MCA Online

Tenso-lectures #1

06 04 2020

Tenso-lectures, a conference series by Matteo Cainer aimed at tracing and illustrating not only our evolving creative process but the synchronicities, contaminations, and exchanges happening between our work, research and other disciplines.

Divided into seven ‘episodes’, the series will craft alliances and decorticate the thoughts and theories behind projects that cross-pollinate with art, dialogue with nature, recalibrate to technology, and question and impact society.

Opening Lecture
April 9th 2020
16:00 London UK Time

Register at


Tags: MCA News, Lectures;

USC Paris

Lecture Matteo Cainer

27 07 2017

Matteo Cainer is doing reviewing and Lecturing at the Paris detachment of USC (University Southern California). Lecture - Transformative Concrete, addressing issues of mobility and transformation as well as the social implications of set manipulations both within existing/abandoned building and as part of new hybrid architectures.

Tags: Lectures;

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