Confluence Website


The concept for the Confluence website departs from the Logotype designed by the designers of Studio Mjolk. The objective was to maintain a strong coherence with the logo and its colours and at the same time communicate the ethos of the school.

OPening Page 0

The square geometry of the logo, not only dictated the four column grid but the entire grid for the website itself. Furthermore, part of the logo also determined the font sizes, tracking and leading of the navigating menu. The idea was to create a simple balance between the elements. To highlight the grid, deconstructed elements of the logo were used, these also helped to establish a hierarchy within the page.

MCA Concept page2

The objective was not only to design the entire experience of navigating the site but also about the details of the user experience. 

Matteo Cainer
Web development:
Logotype: Studio Mjolk